1. Canada
  2. Nexcare™ Brand
  3. Hospital to Home
A woman and her daughter at a piano.

From hospital to home

Use this chart to help to find the right products for your needs or the Nexcare™ Brand equivalent to the tapes and pads recommended by your doctor or nurse in the hospital.

Download the full hospital to home guide

First aid products for minor ailments

Use the products trusted by your hospital healthcare providers. For nearly 60 years, 3M has been a leading supplier of tapes and dressings to hospitals all over the world. Now we’ve taken these same trusted products and brought them home to consumers as Nexcare™ First Aid Tapes and Nexcare™ Adhesive Pads.

Nexcare™ Product
Hospital Equivalent
Securing post-surgical gauze / dressing
Securing devices (splints and catheter tubing)
Wrapping sprains / strains / splints
Providing compression (edema and swelling)
A package of Nexcare™ Flexible Clear Tape. A package of Nexcare™ Sensitive Skin Tape. A package of Nexcare™ Gentle Paper Tape. A package of Nexcare™ Durable Cloth Tape.
Nexcare™ Flexible Clear Tape Nexcare™ Sensitive Skin Tape Nexcare™ Gentle Paper Tape Nexcare™ Durable Cloth Tape
3M™ Transpore™ Surgical Tape 3M™ Kind Removal Silicone Tape 3M™ Micropore™ Surgical Tape 3M™ Durapore™ Surgical Tape
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Nexcare™ Product
Hospital Equivalent
Contains a pad
(does not stick to wound)
For post-surgical incisions
Ideal for road rash / abrasions and cuts
Ideal for minor burns
Ideal for blisters
For lightly draining wounds
As secondary dressing
(over gauze, alginates, hydrogels, etc)
For dressing and securing IV catheters
(securing in place)
To maintain moist wound healing
environment (prevents scab formation)
A package of Nexcare™ Tegaderm™ Waterproof Transparent Dressings. A package of Nexcare™ Tegaderm™ + Pad Waterproof Transparent Dressings. A package of Nexcare™ Sensitive Skin Adhesive Pads. A package of Nexcare™ Premium Soft Cloth Adhesive Pads. A package of Nexcare™ Absolute Waterproof Adhesive Pads.
Nexcare™ Tegaderm™
Transparent Dressing
Nexcare™ Tegaderm™
+ Pad Waterproof
Transparent Dressing
Nexcare™ Sensitive
Skin Adhesive Pads
Premium Soft Cloth
Adhesive Pads
Nexcare™ Absolute
Adhesive Pad
3M™ Tegaderm™
Transparent Film
3M™ Tegaderm™ +
Pad Film Dressing
with Nonadherent Pad
3M™ Medipore™ + Pad
Soft Cloth Adhesive
Wound Dressing
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